If you don't already have a wallet and this is your first time dealing with crypto, we are here to help.
Make an Appointment and Walk in to our location and simply buy or sell Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies in person.
If you are new to cryptocurrency and have questions before you make a trade, don't hesitate to ask.
Buy or Sell Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies - Best Rates - No hidden Charges
A place for everyone who wants to simply buy and sell Bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. Deposit or request funds using Cash, Email Transfer or Wire Transfer. Instant buy/sell of Bitcoins at fair price is guaranteed.
Our staff is happy to answer your questions if this is the first time you are purchasing crypto.
All BC including Lower Mainland, Vancouver, Port Coquitlam, Burnaby, Surrey, New Westminster
Cash, Email Transfer
wire transfer, cryptocurrency
We can help you setup your first crypto wallet.
We offer best market value and reasonable fees.
Fast access to high liquidity order book
for top currency pairs